Islamic Historical Places: Photo, History,Landmark

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Islamic Historical Places related to Prophets and Islamic History.

Islamic Historical Places mobile app is related to Prophets and Islamic History. This app is dedicated to bringing together information on places of historical Islamic significance in order to rediscover our heritage and help inform the ummah.

Islamic Historical Places mobile app provides below information:

?  Holy places of Islam in the world
?  Islamic historical places with names
?  Islamic historical places pictures
?  Islamic holy places photos and details
?  Famous Islamic landmarks

We do not claim ownership of some of the images or data in our App. we are only listing all the publicly available data as it is. The content provided in this applications is the property of respective copyright holders and All rights reserved to the respective owners of the sites. So, for any copyright issue, just contact us via email at, we will take proper action to change or remove copyright materials. It will take 1-2 business day(s) to remove your images and data.