Decimal to Octal

Convert decimal numbers to octal effortlessly with our Decimal to Octal Converter. Translate numerical values into their octal representations quickly and accurately. Whether you're working with computer science, number systems, or programming, our tool simplifies the conversion process. Experience seamless decimal-to-octal conversions with our user-friendly Decimal to Octal Converter.

Decimal to Octal

Decimal Number:A decimal number is a base-ten numeral system where each digit can be any of the ten symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. It represents quantities using powers of 10.

Decimal Number Example:For instance, the number 5432 is a decimal number where 5 is in the thousands place, 4 is in the hundreds place, 3 is in the tens place, and 2 is in the ones place.

Octal Number:An octal number is a base-eight numeral system that uses eight symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. It represents quantities using powers of 8.

Octal Number Example:Consider the octal number 427. In this number, 4 is in the 64s place (8^2), 2 is in the 8s place (8^1), and 7 is in the ones place (8^0). When converted to decimal, this octal number represents the decimal number 287.

Conversion Process: Decimal to Octal

  1. Divide by 8: Start by dividing the decimal number by 8.
  2. Record Remainders: Keep track of the remainder (which can range from 0 to 7) after each division. These remainders will form the octal digits.
  3. Continue Division: Repeat the division process with the quotient until it becomes 0.
  4. Reverse the Remainders: After all divisions, reverse the sequence of remainders to obtain the octal representation of the decimal number.

Example: Convert Decimal 175 to Octal

Step 1: 1758=21\frac{175}{8} = 21 Remainder 7
Step 2: 218=2\frac{21}{8} = 2 Remainder 5
Step 3: 28=0\frac{2}{8} = 0 Remainder 2

Reversing the remainders, we get 257. Therefore, the octal representation of decimal number 175 is 257.

Number Utilities