CSS Selector Cheat Sheet

Master CSS with our comprehensive CSS Selector Cheat Sheet. Covering essential selectors, this guide is perfect for both beginners and experienced developers.

Basic Selectors

Universal Or Wildcard Selector (*)

Selects all elements on the page.

CSS:* { color: red;}HTML:<p>This is a paragraph.</p><div>This is a div.</div>
Type Selector

Selects all elements of a given type.

CSS:p { color: blue;}HTML:<p>This is a paragraph.</p><p>This is another paragraph.</p>
Class Selector

Selects all elements with the specified class.

CSS:.example { color: green;}HTML:<div class="example">This is a div.</div><p class="example">This is a paragraph.</p>
ID Selector

Selects the element with the specified ID.

CSS:#unique { color: purple;}HTML:<div id="unique">This is a unique div.</div>

Attribute Selectors


Selects elements with the specified attribute.

CSS:[input] { border: 1px solid black;}HTML:<input type="text" placeholder="Type here">

Selects elements with the specified attribute and value.

CSS:[input="text"] { border: 1px solid red;}HTML:<input type="text" placeholder="Type here">

Selects elements with the specified attribute containing a specific word.

CSS:[class~="example"] { border: 1px solid blue;}HTML:<div class="example">This is a div.</div>

Selects elements with the specified attribute starting with a specific value.

CSS:[lang|="en"] { color: green;}HTML:<div lang="en-US">This is a div.</div>

Selects elements with the specified attribute starting with a specific value.

CSS:[href^="https"] { color: red;}HTML:<a href="https://example.com">Link</a>

Selects elements with the specified attribute ending with a specific value.

CSS:[href$=".com"] { color: blue;}HTML:<a href="https://example.com">Link</a>

Selects elements with the specified attribute containing a specific value.

CSS:[title*="example"] { color: purple;}HTML:<a href="#" title="example link">Link</a>

Pseudo Elements


Selects the first line of a block element.

CSS:p::first-line { font-weight: bold;}HTML:<p>This is a paragraph with a bold first line.</p>

Selects the first letter of a block element.

CSS:p::first-letter { font-size: 200%;}HTML:<p>This is a paragraph with a large first letter.</p>

Selects the portion of an element that is selected by a user.

CSS:::selection { background: yellow;}HTML:<p>Select this text to see the background change.</p>

Inserts content after an element.

CSS:p::after { content: " (after)";}HTML:<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Inserts content before an element.

CSS:p::before { content: "before: ";}HTML:<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Selects the placeholder text of an input.

CSS:::placeholder { color: grey;}HTML:<input type="text" placeholder="Type here">

Input Pseudo-classes


Selects disabled input elements.

CSS:input:disabled { background: #ccc;}HTML:<input type="text" disabled placeholder="Disabled input">

Selects enabled input elements.

CSS:input:enabled { background: #fff;}HTML:<input type="text" placeholder="Enabled input">

Selects checked input elements.

CSS:input:checked { outline: 2px solid green;}HTML:<input type="checkbox" checked> Checked box

Selects read-only input elements.

CSS:input:read-only { background: #f5f5f5;}HTML:<input type="text" readonly value="Read-only input">

Selects input elements with placeholder text.

CSS:input:placeholder-shown { color: grey;}HTML:<input type="text" placeholder="Type here">

Selects input elements with a value outside a specified range.

CSS:input:out-of-range { border-color: red;}HTML:<input type="number" min="1" max="10" value="15">

Selects required input elements.

CSS:input:required { border: 2px solid red;}HTML:<input type="text" required placeholder="Required input">

User Action Pseudo-classes


Selects unvisited links.

CSS:a:link { color: blue;}HTML:<a href="https://example.com">Link</a>

Selects elements when hovered by a mouse.

CSS:a:hover { color: red;}HTML:<a href="https://example.com">Hover over this link</a>

Selects visited links.

CSS:a:visited { color: purple;}HTML:<a href="https://example.com">Visited link</a>

Selects elements that are being activated by a user.

CSS:a:active { color: green;}HTML:<a href="https://example.com">Active link</a>

Structural Pseudo-classes


Selects the first child of a parent.

CSS:p:first-child { color: blue;}HTML:<div> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second paragraph</p></div>

Selects the nth child of a parent.

CSS:p:nth-child(2) { color: red;}HTML:<div> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second paragraph</p> <p>Third paragraph</p></div>

Selects the last child of a parent.

CSS:p:last-child { color: green;}HTML:<div> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second paragraph</p> <p>Last paragraph</p></div>

Selects the nth child from the end of a parent.

CSS:p:nth-last-child(2) { color: purple;}HTML:<div> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second to last paragraph</p> <p>Last paragraph</p></div>

Selects an element that is the only child of its parent.

CSS:p:only-child { color: orange;}HTML:<div> <p>Only child paragraph</p></div>

Selects the first child of a specified type.

CSS:p:first-of-type { color: blue;}HTML:<div> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second paragraph</p></div>

Selects the nth child of a specified type.

CSS:p:nth-of-type(2) { color: red;}HTML:<div> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second paragraph</p></div>

Selects the last child of a specified type.

CSS:p:last-of-type { color: green;}HTML:<div> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Last paragraph</p></div>

Selects the nth child from the end of a specified type.

CSS:p:nth-last-of-type(2) { color: purple;}HTML:<div> <p>First paragraph</p> <p>Second to last paragraph</p> <p>Last paragraph</p></div>


Descendent combinator

Selects all elements that are descendants of a specified element.

CSS:div p { color: blue;}HTML:<div> <p>This is a paragraph inside a div.</p></div>
Child combinator ('>')

Selects all elements that are direct children of a specified element.

CSS:div > p { color: red;}HTML:<div> <p>This is a direct child paragraph inside a div.</p></div>
Next-sibling combinator ('+')

Selects the element that is the next sibling of a specified element.

CSS:h1 + p { color: green;}HTML:<h1>Heading</h1><p>This paragraph is the next sibling of the heading.</p>
Following combinator ('~')

Selects all siblings following a specified element.

CSS:h1 ~ p { color: purple;}HTML:<h1>Heading</h1><p>This paragraph is a following sibling of the heading.</p>

Shortcut Keys