Typography Converter- twip To centimeter [cm]

Convert twip to centimeter [cm] quickly and accurately with our convenient online Typography Converter tools

Please provide values below to convert twip To centimeter [cm], or vice versa.
centimeter [cm]

centimeter [cm]


Centimeter [cm] is a metric unit of length equal to one-hundredth of a meter. It is used in most countries around the world as a standard unit of measurement for measuring lengths and distances in everyday life and in science and engineering.


The centimeter [cm] was first introduced in France in 1795 during the French Revolution as part of the metric system. The metric system was created to establish a universal standard of measurement that was based on natural constants and was easy to use and understand. The system was eventually adopted by most countries around the world, including the United States.

Current use

The centimeter [cm] is widely used in many fields, including science, engineering, construction, and everyday life. It is commonly used to measure the length of small objects such as paper, pens, and pencils, as well as to measure the height of people and the length of clothing. In the scientific and engineering fields, the centimeter is often used to measure the size of small objects and to describe the distance between objects.


Complete list of Typography Converter units for conversion