Percentage Change Calculator
Determine percentage changes between values easily with our user-friendly tool.
There was an error with your calculation.
Percentage Change from Number 1 to Number 2
110% increase
What is an Online Percentage Change Calculator?
An Online Percentage Change Calculator is a tool that calculates the percentage change between two values. It helps determine how much one value has increased or decreased in relation to another. This is commonly used in finance, economics, marketing, and other fields to measure growth or decline, such as price changes, salary adjustments, or population changes.
The formula to calculate percentage change is:
How to Use an Online Percentage Change Calculator?
- Access the Tool: Open a web browser and go to an online percentage change calculator website or app.
- Enter the Old Value: Input the original value (before the change).
- Enter the New Value: Input the value after the change has occurred.
- Click "Calculate" or "Find Percentage Change": Press the button to calculate the percentage change.
- View the Result: The calculator will display the percentage increase or decrease between the two values.
- Repeat or Adjust (if needed): You can enter new values to calculate additional percentage changes.
Frequently Asked Questions-
What is the formula for calculating percentage change?
The formula is:This calculates how much the new value has changed relative to the original value in percentage terms.
Can I use this calculator for negative values?
Yes, the calculator can handle negative values. If the new value is lower than the old value, the result will be a negative percentage, indicating a decrease.What does a positive percentage change mean?
A positive percentage change means an increase from the old value to the new value. It indicates growth or improvement.What does a negative percentage change mean?
A negative percentage change means a decrease from the old value to the new value. It indicates a reduction or loss.Can I use the calculator for percentage changes in both amounts and percentages?
Yes, you can calculate percentage changes for both raw amounts (like prices or quantities) and percentages (such as discount rates or interest rates). The tool works the same way for both types of inputs.