Square Root Calculator

Calculate square roots of any number instantly with our simple online tool.

Square Root Calculator

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210 = 3.16228

What is an Online Square Root Calculator?

An Online Square Root Calculator is a tool that helps calculate the square root of a given number. The square root of a number xx is a value yy such that when yy is multiplied by itself, it equals xx. Mathematically, the square root is expressed as x\sqrt{x}, and it is the inverse operation of squaring a number. The square root of a number is always a non-negative number, although complex numbers can be used for negative values.

For example, the square root of 16 is 4 because 4×4=164 \times 4 = 16, and the square root of 25 is 5 because 5×5=255 \times 5 = 25.

How to Use an Online Square Root Calculator?

  1. Access the Tool: Open a web browser and go to an online square root calculator.
  2. Enter the Number: Input the number for which you want to calculate the square root.
  3. Click "Calculate" or "Find Square Root": Press the button to calculate the square root of the entered number.
  4. View the Result: The calculator will display the square root of the number, typically in decimal form. If the number is a perfect square, it will give the exact integer value.
  5. Repeat or Adjust (if needed): You can input a different number to calculate its square root or adjust the input for a different result.

Frequently Asked Questions-

  1. What is a square root?
    A square root of a number xx is a value yy such that y×y=xy \times y = x. In other words, it's the number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. For example, the square root of 9 is 3 because 3×3=93 \times 3 = 9, and the square root of 16 is 4 because 4×4=164 \times 4 = 16. The square root symbol is x\sqrt{x}.

  2. Can I calculate the square root of a negative number?
    No, you cannot calculate the square root of a negative number using real numbers because there is no real number that, when multiplied by itself, gives a negative result. However, in the realm of complex numbers, the square root of a negative number can be expressed using imaginary numbers. For example, the square root of -4 is 2i2i, where ii is the imaginary unit (i2=1i^2 = -1).

  3. How do I use the calculator for non-perfect squares?
    The square root of non-perfect squares (numbers that are not the square of an integer) will result in a decimal value. For example, the square root of 8 is approximately 2.8282.828, because 2.828×2.82882.828 \times 2.828 \approx 8. The online calculator will provide an approximate result to the required decimal places.

  4. What is the square root of zero?
    The square root of zero is zero. This is because 0×0=00 \times 0 = 0. So, the square root of 0 is 0, and it is considered a valid input for the square root calculator.

  5. Can the calculator provide square roots in fractional form?
    Some advanced square root calculators may give results in both decimal and fractional forms, particularly for square roots of perfect squares (e.g., 16=4\sqrt{16} = 4) or simple square roots that result in fractions (e.g., 1/4=1/2\sqrt{1/4} = 1/2). However, for non-perfect squares, the calculator typically provides a decimal approximation.

Math Calculators