Annuity Calculator
Calculate annuity payments and future values effortlessly with our tool.
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End Balance: $157,013.80
Total Principal: $135,000.00
Total Interest: $22,013.80
Starting Principal
Year 0
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
1 | $109731.97 | $3632.01 | $107000 | $110632.01 |
2 | $120704.6 | $7636.14 | $114000 | $121636.14 |
3 | $132061.28 | $12025.42 | $121000 | $133025.42 |
4 | $143815.43 | $16813.32 | $128000 | $144813.32 |
5 | $155980.98 | $22013.8 | $135000 | $157013.8 |
1 | $100000 | $288.76 | $100583.33 | $100872.1 |
2 | $100872.1 | $580.03 | $101166.67 | $101746.7 |
3 | $101746.7 | $873.81 | $101750 | $102623.81 |
4 | $102623.81 | $1170.11 | $102333.33 | $103503.44 |
5 | $103503.44 | $1468.93 | $102916.67 | $104385.6 |
6 | $104385.6 | $1770.29 | $103500 | $105270.29 |
7 | $105270.29 | $2074.18 | $104083.33 | $106157.52 |
8 | $106157.52 | $2380.62 | $104666.67 | $107047.29 |
9 | $107047.29 | $2689.62 | $105250 | $107939.62 |
10 | $107939.62 | $3001.18 | $105833.33 | $108834.51 |
11 | $108834.51 | $3315.31 | $106416.67 | $109731.97 |
12 | $109731.97 | $3632.01 | $107000 | $110632.01 |
Year 1 End | ||||
13 | $110632.01 | $3951.3 | $107583.33 | $111534.63 |
14 | $111534.63 | $4273.18 | $108166.67 | $112439.84 |
15 | $112439.84 | $4597.66 | $108750 | $113347.66 |
16 | $113347.66 | $4924.74 | $109333.33 | $114258.07 |
17 | $114258.07 | $5254.44 | $109916.67 | $115171.11 |
18 | $115171.11 | $5586.76 | $110500 | $116086.76 |
19 | $116086.76 | $5921.71 | $111083.33 | $117005.04 |
20 | $117005.04 | $6259.29 | $111666.67 | $117925.96 |
21 | $117925.96 | $6599.52 | $112250 | $118849.52 |
22 | $118849.52 | $6942.4 | $112833.33 | $119775.73 |
23 | $119775.73 | $7287.94 | $113416.67 | $120704.6 |
24 | $120704.6 | $7636.14 | $114000 | $121636.14 |
Year 2 End | ||||
25 | $121636.14 | $7987.02 | $114583.33 | $122570.36 |
26 | $122570.36 | $8340.58 | $115166.67 | $123507.25 |
27 | $123507.25 | $8696.84 | $115750 | $124446.84 |
28 | $124446.84 | $9055.78 | $116333.33 | $125389.12 |
29 | $125389.12 | $9417.44 | $116916.67 | $126334.1 |
30 | $126334.1 | $9781.81 | $117500 | $127281.81 |
31 | $127281.81 | $10148.89 | $118083.33 | $128232.23 |
32 | $128232.23 | $10518.71 | $118666.67 | $129185.38 |
33 | $129185.38 | $10891.26 | $119250 | $130141.26 |
34 | $130141.26 | $11266.56 | $119833.33 | $131099.89 |
35 | $131099.89 | $11644.61 | $120416.67 | $132061.28 |
36 | $132061.28 | $12025.42 | $121000 | $133025.42 |
Year 3 End | ||||
37 | $133025.42 | $12409 | $121583.33 | $133992.33 |
38 | $133992.33 | $12795.35 | $122166.67 | $134962.01 |
39 | $134962.01 | $13184.49 | $122750 | $135934.49 |
40 | $135934.49 | $13576.41 | $123333.33 | $136909.75 |
41 | $136909.75 | $13971.14 | $123916.67 | $137887.81 |
42 | $137887.81 | $14368.68 | $124500 | $138868.68 |
43 | $138868.68 | $14769.03 | $125083.33 | $139852.37 |
44 | $139852.37 | $15172.21 | $125666.67 | $140838.88 |
45 | $140838.88 | $15578.22 | $126250 | $141828.22 |
46 | $141828.22 | $15987.07 | $126833.33 | $142820.4 |
47 | $142820.4 | $16398.76 | $127416.67 | $143815.43 |
48 | $143815.43 | $16813.32 | $128000 | $144813.32 |
Year 4 End | ||||
49 | $144813.32 | $17230.74 | $128583.33 | $145814.07 |
50 | $145814.07 | $17651.03 | $129166.67 | $146817.7 |
51 | $146817.7 | $18074.2 | $129750 | $147824.2 |
52 | $147824.2 | $18500.27 | $130333.33 | $148833.6 |
53 | $148833.6 | $18929.23 | $130916.67 | $149845.89 |
54 | $149845.89 | $19361.09 | $131500 | $150861.09 |
55 | $150861.09 | $19795.88 | $132083.33 | $151879.21 |
56 | $151879.21 | $20233.58 | $132666.67 | $152900.25 |
57 | $152900.25 | $20674.22 | $133250 | $153924.22 |
58 | $153924.22 | $21117.79 | $133833.33 | $154951.12 |
59 | $154951.12 | $21564.32 | $134416.67 | $155980.98 |
60 | $155980.98 | $22013.8 | $135000 | $157013.8 |
Year 5 End |
What is an Online Annuity Calculator?
An Online Annuity Calculator is a tool used to calculate the present or future value of an annuity. An annuity is a financial product that provides a series of payments made at regular intervals. This calculator helps individuals determine how much they can expect to receive from an annuity based on variables like the principal amount, the rate of return, the payment frequency, and the number of periods over which the annuity will be paid. It's useful for retirement planning, insurance payouts, or investment analysis.
How to Use an Online Annuity Calculator?
Select the Annuity Type:
- Choose whether you're calculating the Present Value (how much the annuity is worth today) or Future Value (how much the annuity will be worth at the end of the term).
Input Your Variables:
- Principal Amount: The initial investment or lump sum amount.
- Rate of Return: The expected interest rate or rate of return on the annuity.
- Payment Amount: The amount you will receive in each payment period (for fixed annuities).
- Payment Frequency: Monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.
- Number of Periods: The total number of payments you’ll receive, or the number of periods the annuity will last (years, months).
Review the Results:
- After entering all the required details, the calculator will provide you with the present or future value of the annuity, based on the selected variables.
Adjust Assumptions as Needed:
- You can modify your inputs to see how changes in the interest rate, payment frequency, or other factors affect the outcome.
Frequently Asked Questions-
What is an annuity?
- An annuity is a financial product that provides a series of payments over a set period of time. It can be used for purposes like retirement income or structured settlements. The amount of each payment can depend on factors like the investment's rate of return, the length of the payment term, and the payment frequency.
What types of annuities can I calculate with this tool?
- The online annuity calculator can be used for various types of annuities, including fixed annuities, variable annuities, and immediate annuities. Each type of annuity may have different payment structures, and the calculator can be adapted to calculate both fixed and variable payment amounts.
How does the interest rate affect my annuity calculation?
- The interest rate or rate of return is a critical factor in determining the value of an annuity. A higher interest rate increases the future value of the annuity and reduces the present value. Conversely, a lower interest rate results in smaller future payouts.
What is the difference between Present Value and Future Value of an annuity?
- Present Value refers to how much the future stream of annuity payments is worth today, considering factors like the interest rate and payment frequency. Future Value calculates how much the annuity will be worth at the end of the term, based on the principal investment, rate of return, and number of payments.
Can I use the calculator for a lump sum or a stream of payments?
- Yes, the calculator can be used for both lump-sum investments (e.g., an upfront lump sum paid into an annuity) and for calculating ongoing payments (e.g., monthly or annual annuity payments). It allows for flexibility depending on the structure of the annuity.